I am a new author and solver on this portal, and very much value the high quality of work here.
Here is my humble suggestion, for your consideration: add something like the following on the User pages (with better formatting, of course):
Guide to Portal Usage: In order to promote a healthy amount of attention to each puzzle on the portal, please try to keep each of the following metrics above 100%
Solved metric: sum(General: solved) / sum(Published puzzles: solved)
Solved Rating metric: sum(Solved puzzles: Rating) / sum(Published puzzles: solved x Rating)
Your current Solved metric is : _____ / _____ = ___%
Your current Solved Rating metric is : _____ / _____ = ___%
Note: new puzzles have a temporary Rating of 5 stars, which may eventually be reduced.
In order to give the user some added control over their own metrics, and mitigate negative impression for popular authors, perhaps limit the value of "Published puzzles: solved" to a maximum value of 10 per puzzle in the calculation.
It might make sense to keep a "lifetime" metric, but also "over the previous N months" metric, if that is possible.
Other summary metrics might be conceived to encourage other traits, perhaps celebrating puzzle quality.
The 100% target may not be realistic, but is intended to raise awareness of each individual, and give a specific goal to new participants.
Here is my humble suggestion, for your consideration: add something like the following on the User pages (with better formatting, of course):
Guide to Portal Usage: In order to promote a healthy amount of attention to each puzzle on the portal, please try to keep each of the following metrics above 100%
Solved metric: sum(General: solved) / sum(Published puzzles: solved)
Solved Rating metric: sum(Solved puzzles: Rating) / sum(Published puzzles: solved x Rating)
Your current Solved metric is : _____ / _____ = ___%
Your current Solved Rating metric is : _____ / _____ = ___%
Note: new puzzles have a temporary Rating of 5 stars, which may eventually be reduced.
In order to give the user some added control over their own metrics, and mitigate negative impression for popular authors, perhaps limit the value of "Published puzzles: solved" to a maximum value of 10 per puzzle in the calculation.
It might make sense to keep a "lifetime" metric, but also "over the previous N months" metric, if that is possible.
Other summary metrics might be conceived to encourage other traits, perhaps celebrating puzzle quality.
The 100% target may not be realistic, but is intended to raise awareness of each individual, and give a specific goal to new participants.