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Korea Sudoku Challenge 2020 und weitere Wettbewerbe
Uns erreichte gestern eine Email von der Korea Puzzle Association. Darin werden einige Wettbewerbe für die nächsten 16 Monate angekündigt. Den Text findet ihr unten.

Ich weiß nicht, ob das alles online und mit englischen Anleitungen stattfinden wird.
Interessant finde ich die vielfältigen Altersklassen U08, U10, U12, U15. Ich behalte diese Jugendwettbewerbe mal im Auge und wenn etwas konkret wird können wir uns überlegen, ob wir Infos darüber an Jugendliche oder Schulen weitergeben. Auch wenn ich vermute, dass kaum jemand von unserer Jugend dort auf den ersten Plätzen landen wird.
Es taucht mehrmals HOF auf. Weiß jemand, wofür das steht?


Dear member of WPF,
You can join the Korea Sudoku Challenge this week on the website of You can find the IB on it. Please join us!
I am John Park, a Secretary General of Korea Creative Puzzle Association. Most of us want to promote the puzzles world wide, I think. To do so, many junior puzzlers will join us in the near future. I hope this competition platform may be helpful for you to hold the competitions for the young players by yourself or ourselves. Of course, I will help you if you want or need. Some competitions will be scheduled for the youth and general players including O50 as below;

• September : Korea Sudoku Challenge 2020 for General(All ages)
• October : Korea Sudoku/Puzzle Championship 2020 for U08, U10, U12, U15, General(It will be opened for all regular members.)
• November : World Youth Mind Sports Fairs 2020 The part of Sudoku and Puzzles for U08, U10, U12, U15, General(host by
• January : Asian Sudoku Cup - U10, U12, U15, General, O50
• February : Korean Cup(Korea Sudoku/Puzzle Championship and Asian Sudoku/Puzzle  - U08, U10, U12, U18, General, O50March : Not comfirmed(Some country members or a Member of HOF may hold the challenges)
• April : Not comfirmed(Some country members or a Member of HOF may hold the challenges)
• May : Not comfirmed(Some country members or a Member of HOF may hold the challenges)
• June : Not comfirmed(Some country members or a Member of HOF may hold the challenges)
• July : China Cup - U08, U10, U12, U15, U18, General, O50
• August : Korean Cup - U08, U10, U12, U18, General, O50
• September : Not comfirmed(Some country members or a Member of HOF may hold the challenges)
• October : Not comfirmed(Some country members or a Member of HOF may hold the challenges)
• November : World Youth Mind Sports Fairs 2020 The part of Sudoku and Puzzles for U08, U10, U12, U15, General(host by
• December : Not comfirmed(Some country members or a Member of HOF may hold the challenges)

This platform can be used by all members, to participate in or to hold the competition. Please promote it to your youth member and tell me whatever you need to know.

Best regards,
Secretary General John Park
HOF steht wohl für "Hall of Fame", da gibt's auf der Webseite eine Überschrift zu.
Wir haben dazu von John Park eine neue Nachricht erhalten (siehe bitte unten). Sie betrifft in erster Linie Jugendwettbewerbe.


Dear the member of WPF,

How are you! We, all, are confronted with COVID19 these days. However, we can do nothing. So I(John, Korea) and Mr. June(a representative of China) were in complete agreement to make a online platform for the world youth puzzlers. And then the was born three months ago. We had two international competitions and one national one that were hosted by China and Korea Associations. And I will hold the International Junior(Junior International) Sudoku/Puzzle Competition next week and I will lend the platform to the Committee of World Junior Mind Sports Fair from 23rd to 28th of December. Now I make an impassioned appeal for promoting these events to your junior players. I am a little old and you are more old. There will be just a tomorrow in front of us. I mean the future is just for the youth. So I would like to give a chance to the youth and this is it.

This platform is so simple to use. I can make you understand completely in a few minutes for both of the players and the organizer. I mean all of players can participate in almost events out of charge and all of the countries' representative can make the event on it if all of events has to allow the young players to be participated in. Please ask me whatever you need to know about the platform. I will be up all day long for your requests.

Thank all of you!
Die Anleitungshefte für einen Jugend-Puzzle- und einen Jugend-Sudoku-Wettbewerb haben wir auch erhalten, ich hänge sie hier an.

.pdf   JISPC2020_Puzzle_IB.pdf (Größe: 1,92 MB / Downloads: 355)
.pdf   JISPC2020_Sudoku_IB.pdf (Größe: 1,69 MB / Downloads: 598)

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