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Call for examples: What is a Sudoku?
I would like to announce a new discussion forum, kindly hosted by the UK Puzzle Association. The reason this is not being hosted by the WPF is because the registration process to these forums is a big barrier to wider contribution to the discussion.

The purpose of this forum is to gather a collection of examples of Sudoku variants which are in some ways debatable. Please feel free to bring your own examples together with why you think the puzzle is or isn't sudoku.
Apologies if this isn't quite the right forum to post this in, however I didn't want to offend with an English post in a German speaking forum!
Dieses Thema hat damals hier im Forum keine große Resonanz gefunden. In hat sich aber viel getan und die WPF hat uns über das vorläufige Ergebnis des damit zusammenhängenden WPF-Gremiums wie folgt informiert und um weitere Beteiligung gebeten:

The "What Is A Sudoku?" report's current state can be viewed here:  

Committee lead Tom Collyer seeks to know thoughts of Sudoku enthusiasts so that he can add more data to its conclusions. Sections 1-4 are finished, Tom still needs some time for Section 5, and your thoughts at this stage will help him with it. Comments can be directed to Tom's email or on the forum: 

Please submit your thoughts to aid in coming up with a good definition for Sudoku relevant to its usage in the World Sudoku Championship and other WPF Sudoku events.

Please share this message to solvers in your country who would be interested in contributing to the topic as well.
Ich denke, es gibt in unserem Verein einfach niemanden, der bereit ist, über *so* eine Thema auf *solche* Weise zu streiten, deshalb hat sich hier niemand eingebracht. Vielleicht liegt meine Vermutung aber auch nur daran, dass es mir so geht.
Mich selbst interessiert die Fragestellung auch nicht sehr. Bei Gelegenheit werde ich mal genauer lesen, was die persönlichen Statements in dem Dokument inhaltlich aussagen. Zumindest Berni hat sich im ukpuzzles-Forum etwas beteiligt.

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