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Drawing attention to a specific user and their detrimental behaviour
(04.11.2022, 18:59)You don\t have to schrieb: As I see it, people do not want fair ratings; they only want good ratings. And I see no point in manipulating the rating system to satisfy this desire.

It's not that we only want good ratings, though obviously everyone wants their puzzles to be well received. It's that we only want honest ratings, from people who have taken the time to solve the puzzle and wish to provide feedback on their experience. The user in question, more often than not, does not actually solve the puzzles, and instead just opens them in f-puzzles, hits Solve, and enters the solution code. This is not honest feedback, because the user has not actually done anything that would give them a real opinion.

As an example, suppose you published a book. Lots of people liked it, and it had a very good average rating. Then someone gave it a 0/5 rating because they didn't like that the website selling it had a lot of green on it. Their rating had nothing to do with the contents of the book, they just rated it low because they felt like it. I'm sure you would find that unfair.

That is what the user in question is doing, at least 95% of the time. They're finding the solution code without actually solving the puzzle, and then rating it completely arbitrarily just because they can. I don't care that they're rating my puzzles low, I care that they're rating them without actually solving them. I find that insulting as a creator. This user does this constantly and it is not fair to anybody.

That is why so many in this community want this person's ratings removed, or at least ignored when calculating the puzzle's scores. Because everyone else is using the system fairly, and this person is not.

Nachrichten in diesem Thema
RE: Drawing attention to a specific user and their detrimental behaviour - von DiMono - 20.01.2023, 23:11

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