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Concecutive strings, looking for tester + has this been done
I am looking for someone to test this puzzle. 4 star difficulty I think. Also I am curious if this ruleset, or something similar has been done before.


Normal sudoku rules apply.

A number in a grey cell is X, and is part of a string of numbers that is exactly X cells long, not longer or shorter. Each number in the string is consecutive with any number next to it in the string.

The string of numbers is in a straight line, and can be either horizontal or vertical. 

A string consisting of just one number is valid.

All possible grey cells are given.  

[Bild: YuofsIf.png]

The puzzle:
[Bild: z9G8IdJ.png]

Solve in penpa

If you can solve this, post me the answer. Also let me know if the rules are unclear or could be phrased better.

Nachrichten in diesem Thema
Concecutive strings, looking for tester + has this been done - von Thorsby - 05.03.2021, 14:23

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