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Schweizer Online-Qualifikationen für die Weltmeisterschaften
The tournament has started.
Good luck !
Die Anleitungen zur Schweizer WPC-Qualifikation vom 15./16. Juni ist nun online. Fragen können hier im Forum gestellt werden.

bei rätsel 20: erst alle wörter der ersten zeile oder erst beide wörter des ersten rätsels?
beides ist ok.
Puzzle 20 answer key.

t=top word
b=bottom word

t1 t2 t3 b1 b2 b3
t1 b1 t2 b2 t3 b3

Both ways are correct.
The competition is over.

Congratulations to Fred Stalder, Claudia Schmutz and Christoph Bieler to the top three places!

Also congratulations to Michael Ley, Hideaki Jo and Jana Tylova to the top three places in the international ranking!

I gave 80% of the points for a puzzle, that was obviously solved correctly with an incorrect answer key.

A few remarks:
Puzzle 4: THUN is not part of the answer key. You need the "H" in R5C3 for ZUERICH. 80% were given for spelling mistakes like BREN oder BAZEL.
Puzzle 9: No partial points were given, especially not for 3 instead of 4 R9.
Puzzle 13: Also German O(sten) instead of E(ast) is accepted.
Puzzle 14: There is no 7 in R5, the snake travels vertically from R6C6 to R2C6.
Puzzle 19: Partial points for watching from left side to the pentos.
Puzzle 20: Two possible correct word orders, T1,T2,T3,B1,B2,B3 and T1,B1,T2,B2,T3,B3

I hope you enjoyed the puzzles.

(17.06.2013, 00:20)Wuzzle schrieb: Puzzle 4: THUN is not part of the answer key.

I'm looking at my solution and don't see any "Thun" horizontally. It looks like I solved the puzzle correctly, but wrote Thun instead of Bern in the solution code Pfeif ... The most stupid mistake in my short "puzzle-live". Biggrin

No matter !

Thanks for the tournament, Markus. Puzzles were nice and well constructed. I enjoyed them as far as I can enjoy puzzles.
It's a pity there were not more participants from Switzerland.

Upps, I almost forgot to give some feedback while I had a wonderful time on my balcony solving puzzles in the sun. Some of my favorite types brought me lots of points: Graffiti snake and Star Battle. Thanks for the nice puzzles!
A year after...

The Swiss selection for WSC 2014 will take place from 23th to 26th May on this portal.
The tournament lasts 120 minutes, it is designed for the Swiss players, but it is open to players worldwide. Feel free to participate !

Tournament Page:
Instructions Booklet:
The swiss qualification tournament for WSC will take place from 12th to 15th June on LMD (thank you again for providing a very efficient contest engine).

If you have questions, you can answer this thread to ask them.

Good luck to everybody !


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