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Schweizer Online-Qualifikationen für die Weltmeisterschaften
Hi all,

I'm proud to announce the swiss qualification tournament for the sudoku World Championship, which will be held on this website from 12th to 13th May.

The contest page:

The tournament is open to all "worldwide" players. If you know some swiss sudoku players, don't hesitate to talk them about that Wink

The tournament is now over.

Congratulations to Christof Bruetsch, Claudia Schmutz and Markus Roth who are the three best swiss players ! King

In the international ranking: Kota Morinishi, Jakub Hrazdira and Vincent Bertrand dominated this tournament. King

This tournament was not designed (or timed) for the international top-players, and has no bonus system, so if a player completed the set of grids long before the time limit but did a mistake, he lose lot of places. This was the case of German sudoku champion Florian Kirch.

The anecdote of the tournament: the winner wouldn't have been the same if Vincent Bertrand didn't forget to submit the column of windoku. He submitted all codes except this one after 01:06:49, and only after ten minutes he noticed that a code was not complete !

Thanks to all participants,
Thanks to LMD-team: the contest engine is great ! Ok

I learned this morning that Paolo Grandi has also swiss citizenship.

He's the new winner of the swiss ranking and is obviously qualified to play with team Switzerland in the next WSC. Smile

If someone else has dual nationality, or has a swiss passport lost somewhere in his house, please tell us (send me a private message, or answer in this topic) !

Die Anleitungen zur offenen Schweizer WPC-Qualifikation sind nun ebenfalls online. Fragen können hier im Forum gestellt werden.
The instruction booklet to the Swiss WPC-quaification is now available. Questions can be asked in this thread! The tournament is open for everyone.

Contest page


[Edit von Berni: Fehlerhafte URL korrigiert]
Thank you for a nice contest. Unfortunately I had a very bad day, broke the Killer Sudoku three times and after that also the Thermometer Sudoku and the Arrows Sudoku. I had one hour left with exactly no puzzle solved, and so I stopped, it would have made no sense to continue on this day. But I enjoyed the puzzles very much afterwards.

Good to see some new names, I hope this leads to a full swiss team for this years WSC and WPC.
Unfortunately I couldn`t participate at the qualification. Is it possible to get the password for the puzzles so that I can solve them now?
Thanks for your answers.
(14.05.2012, 17:25)Realshaggy schrieb: Thank you for a nice contest. Unfortunately I had a very bad day, broke the Killer Sudoku three times and after that also the Thermometer Sudoku and the Arrows Sudoku. I had one hour left with exactly no puzzle solved, and so I stopped, it would have made no sense to continue on this day. But I enjoyed the puzzles very much afterwards.

Good to see some new names, I hope this leads to a full swiss team for this years WSC and WPC.

Thank you Christoph. Bad days arrive sometimes. I took part in LMI contest this weekend, but I'm not proud of my performance...

(15.05.2012, 23:46)ThomasKostolany schrieb: Unfortunately I couldn`t participate at the qualification. Is it possible to get the password for the puzzles so that I can solve them now?
Thanks for your answers.

All registered members can now play the contest without appearing in the final ranking. You can see the password when you start the contest.

(14.05.2012, 16:59)Wuzzle schrieb: Die Anleitungen zur offenen Schweizer WPC-Qualifikation sind nun ebenfalls online. Fragen können hier im Forum gestellt werden.
The instruction booklet to the Swiss WPC-quaification is now available. Questions can be asked in this thread! The tournament is open for everyone.


I must work on that if I want to do a good performance (the irregular sudoku doesn't scare me, even if that's not my favorite variant of sudoku, but I think that solving only this one will not be sufficient to be qualified Biggrin )


The intermediate top players are listed without points/times on the Swiss Puzzle Federation Homepage

Swiss WPC qualification is over. Congratulations to Paolo Grandi and Fred Stalder who qualified for Swiss Team and to Claudia Schmutz on 3rd place.
Congratulations to the international winners Kota Morinishi, Hideaki Jo and Peter Hudak. Here are the provisional results. Monday 22:00 the ranking will be definitive.

Thanks to all the participants. I hope, you enjoyed the puzzles.
Thanks to Berni and the LM-Team for hosting the tournament and all the support in the last weeks.

The Swiss selection for WSC 2013 will take place during the weekend of June 1st-2nd on this portal.
The tournament lasts 120 minutes, it is designed for the Swiss players, but it is open to players worldwide. Feel free to participate !

Tournament Page:
Instructions Booklet:

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