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3rd Oguz Atay Puzzle Contest(OAPC)
berni, thank you for your feedback. You can always send your suggestions to

We will try to implement most of your suggestions before the 4th contest

Zitat:At the beginning of the test, reload did not work. I had to click on the Link on the top of the page to get the password.
The two timers seem to be out of sync. When the timer at the top said it's finished, there was still time left.

These two problems are related. Apparently there is about 10 seconds difference between two clocks. We hope to solve it before the 4th contest.

Zitat:When pressing the "Send" button I don't get feedback. I guess this should be the green bar at the top, but it's offscreen when I press (yes, my browserwindow is quite small).

You are right. If your monitor is small, you will not see the green bar. As we can't use popups (It would be annoying if you are entering all of your answers at once), we will put the same green bar at the bottom of the page too. Hope that solves your problem.

Zitat:Can't give a 9 as feedback. The star is below the form. This is due to the last column being too small. Anyway I will never provide feedback during the test - this takes time. I think it's better to give feedback after the test. Maybe you can use the results-page for this, because people will go there anyway to look if results are out... Wink

This problem occurs on some of the browsers. We've fixed it and it will be fine in 4th contest.

Zitat:Anyway I will never provide feedback during the test - this takes time. I think it's better to give feedback after the test. Maybe you can use the results-page for this, because people will go there anyway to look if results are out... Wink

Some puzzlers won't remember which puzzles were good or which are not after the contest. Therefore voting system is provided during the contest. If you think you could vote after the contest, you can always vote during extra time or even after the contest has finished if your answer page is still open. Do not worry. It will not affect the penalty you get.

Zitat:The resultsform for the optimizer is a little bit small, without need, there is enough space.

You are right. We prefer having all answer box same size because we don't want to give hint about answers of puzzles. However the length of answers of almost all puzzles are already known because of answer format. Therefore we will implement it and you will probably have a longer answer box for optimization on the 4th contest.

Zitat:When time ends, the extratime is not shown. But when one reloads the page, the extratime is shown. It might be better to show the extratime immediately (maybe with other color).

This feature is ready for the 4th contest.

Zitat:It looks as if answers are submitted even when you do not press "send". I don't like this feature, because one looses control.

We're sorry to say that this will stay the same. Of course you can always use Send button but it will keep sending your answers as you change them. If you have a better suggestion other than having only send button to send answers, you are always welcome.

Also, do not bother registering the Turkish forum because we will try to setup another forum in Oapc website which will not require extra registration(it will use your oapc account). If you have any questions just send an email to
Instruction file has now been published, sorry for the delay. You can download the file from:
Important notification for all users:

Those who has registered for the OAPC web page after the time 19/03/2009 Thursday 14:30 GMT, please check your registration status. Some user IDs have been deleted from the database due to an error on the page. You can register again with the same e-mail address.
Ich weiß, es ist etwas spät, Unklarheiten zu beseitigen...

aber kann es sein, daß das Tetramisu-Beispiel mehrere Lösungen besitzt?
In A kann direkt unterhalb des grauen Feldes statt einer 1 auch eine 5 stehen.
In D kann die mittlere Reihe statt 6X4X5 auch 3X4X5 oder 3X4X2 lauten.

Oder habe ich irgendeine Bedingung übersehen?

(21.03.2009, 15:53)uvo schrieb: aber kann es sein, daß das Tetramisu-Beispiel mehrere Lösungen besitzt?
In A kann direkt unterhalb des grauen Feldes statt einer 1 auch eine 5 stehen.
In D kann die mittlere Reihe statt 6X4X5 auch 3X4X5 oder 3X4X2 lauten.

Oder habe ich irgendeine Bedingung übersehen?

Hi Ulrich,

ich bin auf dasselbe Ergebnis gekommen und habe daraufhin die Regeln mehrfach durchgelesen. Eine einschränkende Bedingung habe ich allerdings auch nicht gefunden.

Bei "25. bis 28. Cells" ist mir auch nicht klar, ob eine Diagonalberührung von Dominos in den zwei separaten Bereichen erlaubt ist (wie bei der Optimieraufgabe). Auch hier habe ich keine eindeutige Bedingung gefunden.

Dir und allen anderen Teilnehmern viel Spaß, ich muss leider Kampfgericht beim Basketball machen. Sad

Gruß Rainer
We have experienced a serious problem with the newly opened website, and we're sorry to tell that we have to delay the contest one hour. The contest will start at 17:00 GMT. Once again we send our apologies, thanks for your tolerance.
Will the puzzlefile be available beforehand?
About Thermometre Degree first question:

Sum of second column is "11", please add it if you read this message. Sorry for this drawing forgotten.
Hmpf. Während des Wettbewerbs schau ich doch hier nicht rein...
Ich schon - aber auch nur, weil ich den zwischendurch abgebrochen hab. Waren mir zu viele Rätsel die ich nicht mag. Zu allem Überfluß hatte ich dann bei den Rundwegen auch noch den falschen Lösungsschlüssel: Ich hatte die Anzahl der inneren Felder angegeben und nicht die Summe der Ziffern... War nicht mein fall... Sad

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