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Wo ist denn die Highscoreliste von gestern geblieben?
(11.09.2011, 11:42)ildiko schrieb: Wo ist denn die Highscoreliste von gestern geblieben?

Ist doch gelöscht, wegen Wartung. Stand die ganze Woche als Info schon rechts oben drin.
(11.09.2011, 11:57)Statistica schrieb:
(11.09.2011, 11:42)ildiko schrieb: Wo ist denn die Highscoreliste von gestern geblieben?

Ist doch gelöscht, wegen Wartung. Stand die ganze Woche als Info schon rechts oben drin.

But that doesn't make sense at all. Very displeased Sad

Gonna quit playing at all, I think Byebye

(11.09.2011, 13:49)RobertBe schrieb: But that doesn't make sense at all. Very displeased Sad

Gonna quit playing at all, I think Byebye

I'm not sure how to assess this post.

Because the reaction seems to be quite extreme and also I don't understand why removing the list shouldn't make sense. It was announced that the results wouldn't be taken into account simply because when the site goes off while someone is solving - and this is bound to happen - this would certainly be unfair. And when all the results doesn't count towards the rating (and are uncomparable as many certainly took higher risks or just more time) it's quite sensible to remove them completely. Else it might cause even more irritated questions later on.

Maybe I did miss some important point but I hope in the end it won't be as big a deal as it seems right now to me.
Tja, die Meldung hatte ich nicht gelesen. Dumm für mich, aber so ist das Leben. Gestern einen Punkt plus, heute siebzehn minus.
Werde ich wohl jemals die 1500 erreichen? (Vielleicht, wenn es nur noch Hashis gibt.)
Ich benutzte seit letzter Woche einen neuen PC mit Windows 7. Ich bin sicher, dass ich in den letzten Monaten schon mal ÜBerraschungsrätsel ohne Probleme gelöst hab. Seit Freitag (also vor der wochenendlichen Umstellung) hab ich das Problem, dass beim Aufruf eines der beiden Ü-Rätsel zwei Meldungen kommen. Eine gelborange unten "Ein Problem ... geschlossen und erneut geöffnet hat." und ein Gehtnichtbild "Sie konnten nicht zu... Die Wiederherstellung...wurde beendet. ...weiterhin Probleme ..." Hat da jemand bitte eine Idee, woran das liegt?
Mir ging es so, als ich auf den Internetexplorer 9 aufgefrischt habe.

Danach konnte ich das Ü-Rätsel nicht mehr öffnen.
Monika hatte das gleiche Problem.

Mit Version 8 gibt es dagegen keine Probleme..
(11.09.2011, 17:18)Calavera schrieb: Maybe I did miss some important point but I hope in the end it won't be as big a deal as it seems right now to me.

It is simply that I am getting increasingly frustrated with the Liga System that seems to favor puzzles that are very easy to solve over puzzles that require some thought. No-fun puzzles like Heyawake or Hashi are impossible to keep in the 2nd League. And even though I like Doppelstern, I am getting very tired of having to solve one so much. Month after month it ends on the first place. And to a lesser degree, this is also the case for Tapa.

Saturday there was a very nice Killer Sudoku, that had very nice logic. Scrapping that result cost me many points. But worse, it even skews the bias in the Liga System even more, as there probably won't be a Killer Sudoku this month.

And there even is a point to be made for keeping the scores intact. People knew beforehand the server would be down some time and can then decide for themselves if they want to take the risk or not.

No I'm sorry, I'm fed up with these no-fun puzzles. I won't be playing structurally anymore.

(12.09.2011, 04:40)Modesty schrieb: Mir ging es so, als ich auf den Internetexplorer 9 aufgefrischt habe.

Danach konnte ich das Ü-Rätsel nicht mehr öffnen.
Monika hatte das gleiche Problem.

Mit Version 8 gibt es dagegen keine Probleme..
Aah und ääh. Tja, das könnte es tatsächlich sein. Dascha doof. Dann muss ich mal schauen, dass ich schnell downgrade.
Hi Robert,

(12.09.2011, 09:08)RobertBe schrieb: It is simply that I am getting increasingly frustrated with the Liga System that seems to favor puzzles that are very easy to solve over puzzles that require some thought. No-fun puzzles like Heyawake or Hashi are impossible to keep in the 2nd League. And even though I like Doppelstern, I am getting very tired of having to solve one so much. Month after month it ends on the first place. And to a lesser degree, this is also the case for Tapa.

OK. I got that point. I'll think about it. (Originally my hope was, that people get tiered of the No. 1s and start to vote for other types.)

Zitat:And there even is a point to be made for keeping the scores intact. People knew beforehand the server would be down some time and can then decide for themselves if they want to take the risk or not.

There are more risks. It might even be the case, that people can solve the puzzle twice, with the second score counting. This would definitively lead to an unfair result. I think, I need to keep the right to remove some days from the rating if I have some reason to do so. E.g. if a puzzle creeps in, that has several solutions, which happend in summer 2009.


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