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LMI Sudoku test 7x7 - 12/14 July 2014
IB and submission link:

This test contains 20 grids of size 7x7. So if you are a fan of smaller, or irregular, or innovative, or all of these: take part!
In the coming week extra practise material will be published here in the portal. (So I expect many German players to take part! Smile )

Have a good weekend!
Regards, Richard
Just a bit more than a day before the test starts.
As you might have seen I have published 10 leftover puzzles in our portal so you can practise a bit more for this test. If you might have any question, don't hesitate to ask. I hope to see a lot of portal visitors as participants in this test! Smile
Very nice contest, thank you! Very good idea. Square I solved only 8 sudokus in time Dead , but I'm looking forward to solve the others.
7x7 is over. I'm happy to see a lot of portal-players in the list of participants. Smile I have written some solving hints in the forum of LMI, here is a link:
These hints might be helpful for some portal puzzles too...

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