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4 Seasons Cup Spring Test - On line(s) tournament - Druckversion

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4 Seasons Cup Spring Test - On line(s) tournament - Fred76 - 22.06.2011

Hi all,

The second step of the 4 Seasons Cup will be the "On line(s) tournament", organized by me and hosted by ffsudoku.com.

The test will be open from friday 1st to monday 4th july and will last 2 hours / 120 minutes. All booklets will be available in english version.

For more informations, you can have a look at this page : http://ffsudoku.com/coupe_des_4_saisons_2011_printemps_en.html.
Also, a topic dedicated to the tournament has been opened on the forum ffsudoku.com. If you have some questions, don't hesitate to ask.

As said, the test is part of the 4 Seasons Cup, which means that the results will enter the rankings of the cup.

The instruction booklet is right there.

And yes, we know that the Spring test is going to happen in Summer. We have been a little busy. Sorry about that ! :-)

[Bild: banniere_coupe_4_saisons_printemps.png]

RE: 4 Seasons Cup Spring Test - On line(s) tournament - Fred76 - 01.07.2011

Tournament has started !

Good luck to all participants !