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Akil Oyunlari puzzle magazines in English - Druckversion

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Akil Oyunlari puzzle magazines in English - gulce - 23.02.2011

Dear puzzle friends,

I am writing on behalf of Akil Oyunlari Publishing, the Turkish representative of World Puzzle Federation.

We have been publishing puzzle magazines in Turkey since 2003. Our magazines are published in Turkish language, but as the puzzles are mostly free from language, we wanted to make the magazines available to puzzlers all over the world. So we decided to open Akil Oyunlari Blog in English.


The blog will contain indexes for every issue. When you click on a particular puzzle name, you will be directed to the related PuzzleWiki page, which contains the example and English instructions of that puzzle.

Subscription options are explained in the Introduction post.

You can also follow Akil Oyunlari Magazines in Facebook page, which will be updated simultaneously with the blog:


Best wishes

Gulce Ozkutuk Yurekli

RE: Akil Oyunlari puzzle magazines in English - logik66 - 23.02.2011

Ich kann das Magazin allen empfehlen - auch ohne englische Übersetzung sind 70 - 80 % der Rätsel gut lösbar. Ich habe es schon seit einiger zeit abonniert.


RE: Akil Oyunlari puzzle magazines in English - Realshaggy - 23.02.2011

Hi gulce,

whats the ratio of handcrafted puzzles in your magazines? This seems clear for competition puzzles and most variants, but if there are standard-types like "Easy as ABC" or Battleships, are these computer-generated or handmade?

RE: Akil Oyunlari puzzle magazines in English - gulce - 23.02.2011

(23.02.2011, 20:56)Realshaggy schrieb: whats the ratio of handcrafted puzzles in your magazines? This seems clear for competition puzzles and most variants, but if there are standard-types like "Easy as ABC" or Battleships, are these computer-generated or handmade?

We have only three fixed computer generated pages from Conceptis (Battleships, Kakuro, Paint by Numbers). Those pages contain Conceptis logo. Sometimes this types can be hand-made instead of Conceptis. All the remaining pages (including common types like Sudoku or Skyscrapers) include all handmade puzzles from various puzzlemakers all over the world.

I will soon upload a sample pdf to the blog upon a request. This file will contain sample pages from a couple of recent issues.

Edit: I posted an entry with a link to sample pdf file.

RE: Akil Oyunlari puzzle magazines in English - gulce - 10.05.2011

New issue (73rd) of Akil Oyunlari magazine is published, and the index has been posted in our blog: http://akil-oyunlari.livejournal.com/3700.html

- The guest of our "Famous Puzzlers" section is Vladimir Portugalov in this issue. You can find the interview in English here: http://akil-oyunlari.livejournal.com/4090.html

- In addition to many Turkish puzzlemakers, we are having contributions of puzzlemakers all over the world. You can find the puzzles of Deb Mohanty, Dragan Tolomanoski, Grant Fikes, Mladen Mrcela, Nikola Zivanovic, Riad Khanmagomedov, Rohan Rao, Roland Voigt, Thomas Snyder, Toso Borkovic, Vladimir Portugalov, Zoltan Horvath in this issue.

- Issue 73 includes 130 puzzles, and all but 9 of these are handmade puzzles.

- By the end of May, all 2010 issues' indexes will be ready in the blog.

Best wishes


RE: Akil Oyunlari puzzle magazines in English - gulce - 01.06.2011

We started to add the indexes of older Akıl Oyunları issues to our blog with issues 70-71. Sorry for the little delay, all 2010 issues will be completed in a couple of days. Check "2010 issues" tag from time to time:

Also, now you can find about Roland Voigt and Murat Koz in our "famous puzzlers" section. All "Famous Puzzlers" pages published so far can be found in "famous puzzlers" tag:

Best wishes


RE: Akil Oyunlari puzzle magazines in English - gulce - 08.08.2011

74th issue of Akil Oyunlari is published in August. Index can be found in: http://akil-oyunlari.livejournal.com/5655.html

You can find the puzzles of Deb Mohanty, Dragan Tolomanoski, Grant Fikes, Nikola Zivanovic, Palmer Mebane, Riad Khanmagomedov, Rohan Rao, Roland Voigt, Thomas Snyder, Toso Borkovic and Zoltan Horvath in this issue.

The guest of our "Famous Puzzlers" section is Palmer Mebane (USA). You can find the interview in English here: http://akil-oyunlari.livejournal.com/5512.html



RE: Akil Oyunlari puzzle magazines in English - gulce - 12.01.2012

Akil Oyunlari books are now available in our blog. Indexes of all books will be posted under the tag "puzzle books". First one is ready, "Puzzles for Beginners".


RE: Akil Oyunlari puzzle magazines in English - gulce - 12.02.2012

76th issue of Akil Oyunlari is published in February. Index can be found in: http://akil-oyunlari.livejournal.com/8116.html

You can find the puzzles of Bram de Laat, Deb Mohanty, Frederic Stalder, Grant Fikes, Matus Demiger, Nikola Zivanovic, Pal Madarassy, Riad Khanmagomedov, Rohan Rao, Roland Voigt, Tawan Sunathvanichkul, Thomas Snyder and Zoltan Horvath in this issue.

The guest of our "Famous Puzzlers" section is Johan de Ruiter (NED). You can find the interview in English here: http://akil-oyunlari.livejournal.com/7907.html



RE: Akil Oyunlari puzzle magazines in English - gulce - 21.05.2012

77th issue of Akil Oyunlari is published in May. Index can be found in: http://akil-oyunlari.livejournal.com/8478.html

You can find the puzzles of Bram de Laat, Frederic Stalder, Gareth Moore, Grant Fikes, Nikola Zivanovic, Riad Khanmagomedov, Roland Voigt, Tawan Sunathvanichkul, Thomas Snyder and Zoltan Horvath in this issue.

The guest of our "Famous Puzzlers" section is Gareth Moore (UK). You can find the interview in English here: http://akil-oyunlari.livejournal.com/8777.html

