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TLSCBWSC - Druckversion

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TLSCBWSC - gulce - 01.04.2009

"After the one day of 4th OAPC “TLSCBWSC” will be held. I have one only purpose to get competitors of WSC realize your sudoku level before WSC.
As you know 4th WSC will be held on April 24-27 2009 in Žilina. Also 4th OAPC will be held April 18 16:00(Gmt), and so “TLSCBWSC” will be available on April 19 15:00(Gmt).

“TLSCBWSC” mean that The Last Sudoku Competition Before World Sudoku Championship or Turkish Lucky Serkan Compose Big Wild Sudoku ContestSmile

If you have no registration, you can at this link: http://oapc.wpc2009.org/register.php

You can follow OAPC Forum any questions about TLSCBWSC: http://www.wpc2009.org/forum/

Serkan Yurekli"