Logic Masters Forum
Feature Request - Druckversion

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Feature Request - SenatorGronk - 30.08.2021

I'm not sure if this is the correct forum for this, but I have what I think should be a minor feature request for the puzzle portal: The ability to remain logged in on multiple computers at once. 

I switch between two computers and an ipad multiple times per day. Whenever I log into one, I am automatically logged out of the previous one, so I constantly have to re-authenticate.

This isn't a huge deal, but seems unnecessary considering the lack of sensitive information being protected.


RE: Feature Request - Hausigel - 06.09.2021

I can only guess that there was a reason why the login functionality was implemented they way it was. But whatever it was, I am uncomfortable changing it at short notice. Maybe this is something we (the web team) can discuss next time we meet.