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WPC: World Cup Round 3 - Druckversion

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WPC: World Cup Round 3 - uvo - 20.09.2019

Any questions about the Puzzle World Cup, Round 3 should be asked here.

RE: WPC: World Cup Round 3 - kiwijam - 21.09.2019

Blackout Dominoes: Will the set of dominoes to use be given?

BACAA: There is a B missing from the top-left cell of the solution.

RE: WPC: World Cup Round 3 - uvo - 21.09.2019

(21.09.2019, 09:35)kiwijam schrieb: Blackout Dominoes: Will the set of dominoes to use be given?


Zitat:BACAA: There is a B missing from the top-left cell of the solution.

Ah, I see. Will be fixed in the next version of the instruction booklet.

RE: WPC: World Cup Round 3 - Schachus - 21.09.2019

Due to my lack of English language skills I have to ask to make sure: In Puzzle Z4 would "... towards the direction of either of their shorter edges" mean, that you are supposed to add up the number of possible movements in both of the directions (which is what I would understand from it), or does it mean that the number is given for one of the two directions?

Just as I wrote this I realized the example wouldnt be unique with the second option, but it never hurts to ask anyway..

RE: WPC: World Cup Round 3 - uvo - 21.09.2019

(21.09.2019, 22:26)Schachus schrieb: Due to my lack of English language skills I have to ask to make sure: In Puzzle Z4 would "... towards the direction of either of their shorter edges" mean, that you are supposed to add up the number of possible movements in both of the directions (which is what I would understand from it), or does it mean that the number is given for one of the two directions?

You add the number of possible movements in both directions; unfortunately, the example doesn't have any block that can move in both directions.

RE: WPC: World Cup Round 3 - jaan - 25.09.2019

Z10 Blackout Dominoes: Can cells with given numbers be shaded?

RE: WPC: World Cup Round 3 - uvo - 25.09.2019

(25.09.2019, 08:05)jaan schrieb: Z10 Blackout Dominoes: Can cells with given numbers be shaded?
