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WPC: Round 7 Teams - Worms - Druckversion

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+--- Thema: WPC: Round 7 Teams - Worms (/showthread.php?tid=1759)

WPC: Round 7 Teams - Worms - uvo - 20.09.2019

Any questions about WPC Round 7 should be asked here.

RE: WPC: Round 7 Teams - Worms - Joe Average - 22.09.2019

Would it be sufficient to draw a path into a region and the number 1 to indicate the starting point, or do we have to write in every single number ?

RE: WPC: Round 7 Teams - Worms - uvo - 22.09.2019

I have added the following paragraph to the instruction booklet:

For this round, no alternative notation can be used, only numbers in cells will be accepted. It is fine to enter numbers from different directions, though.