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Was ist das? - Wettbewerb - Druckversion

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+--- Thema: Was ist das? - Wettbewerb (/showthread.php?tid=944)

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RE: Was ist das? - Wettbewerb - Hausigel - 21.11.2011

I found the "Doors" puzzle ("Open Office", "Seethrough", ...) under many different names, but I didn't know that the puzzle also existed without the condition that all rooms must be connected. The puzzle came up in the WPC with the "everything connected" rule, so I figured it would be ok to use this puzzle type.

RE: Was ist das? - Wettbewerb - CHalb - 21.11.2011

Und was für eine internationale Beteiligung. Toll!

RE: Was ist das? - Wettbewerb - ch1983 - 21.11.2011

Hat sehr großen Spaß gemacht (gerade weil man sich danach nicht mehr erklären kann, warum man nicht drauf gekommen ist).
Vielen Dank auch für die viele Arbeit beim manuellen Bewerten der vielfältigen Antworten.

RE: Was ist das? - Wettbewerb - Para - 21.11.2011

Seethrough is done without that rule on puzzlepicnic. I also used the genre in my LMI test without that rule. I think the standard is probably with that rule though. I thought that rule was part of the standard when I decided to put it in, but checked puzzlepicnic to see if I was right in that fact. As it wasn't there and I was able to make nice puzzles without having to use that rule, I left it out. I was just blaming myself for not realising that I should be using that rule when going through these puzzles.

RE: Was ist das? - Wettbewerb - alberto - 22.11.2011

What a pity I couldn't play. May some one send me the pw of the pdf?

RE: Was ist das? - Wettbewerb - berni - 22.11.2011

(22.11.2011, 13:45)alberto schrieb: What a pity I couldn't play. May some one send me the pw of the pdf?

I quess, the contest will soon be freely available as usual.

RE: Was ist das? - Wettbewerb - Hausigel - 23.11.2011

Die Tabelle ist jetzt endgültig. Danke nochmal für Eure Teilnahme, Gratulation an Matthias Klaban und die weiteren Platzierten. Der Wettbewerb kann jetzt außer Konkurrenz gestartet werden.


I have finalized the standings. Thanks again for participating, congratulations to Matthias Klaban and the runner-ups. The contest can now be started in non-competitive mode.