Logic Masters Forum
Standard killer Sudoku with the fewest clues - Druckversion

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+--- Thema: Standard killer Sudoku with the fewest clues (/showthread.php?tid=1958)

Seiten: 1 2

RE: Standard killer Sudoku with the fewest clues - SlowLarry - 19.07.2021

If it is of any interest, this is the 12c caged unique with anti-knight:

This is 11c caged, 2 solutions with anti-knight:

None of these seems to be accessible for human solvers.

The CtC fan discord is here

Most of these discussions happen in the #theory-and-programming channel.

RE: Standard killer Sudoku with the fewest clues - cdwg2000 - 19.07.2021

I can't see the 2 pictures, you should set them to "public" status, thank you!

RE: Standard killer Sudoku with the fewest clues - SlowLarry - 19.07.2021

Hope it's ok now.

RE: Standard killer Sudoku with the fewest clues - cdwg2000 - 20.07.2021

