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Notification e-mails - Druckversion

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Notification e-mails - Richard - 19.06.2013

Recently I didn't receive any notification e-mails of solved puzzles or comments to my puzzles. Does this happen to other authors too?

RE: Notification e-mails - CHalb - 19.06.2013

Yes, I had this sometimes in the past. I think it sometimes corrected "itself" without Berni interfering. Right today it appears to me too.

RE: Notification e-mails - ibag - 19.06.2013

For me the same - no emails about recently solved puzzles.

RE: Notification e-mails - HaSe - 19.06.2013

and for me

no informations about new puzzles in the portal, missed the last 5

RE: Notification e-mails - geophil - 22.06.2013

ibag schrieb:For me the same - no emails about recently solved puzzles.
Same for mine : two solvings of ancient puzzle 0000S6 not mailed

RE: Notification e-mails - berni - 22.06.2013

(19.06.2013, 19:32)Richard schrieb: Recently I didn't receive any notification e-mails of solved puzzles or comments to my puzzles. Does this happen to other authors too?

Sorry, I was rather busy the last weeks, and therefore postponed this. But now it should work again...

RE: Notification e-mails - ibag - 22.06.2013

Ja, klappt wieder (und zum Glück kommen nicht alle emails für die letzten Wochen).

RE: Notification e-mails - Richard - 23.06.2013

I am receiving the mails also again.

RE: Notification e-mails - Richard - 01.07.2013

At the moment the notification mails have stopped again. Sad

RE: Notification e-mails - HaSe - 04.07.2013

Seit einigen Tagen erfolgt bei mir erneut keine Benachrichtigung bzgl. neu eingestellter Forumsrätsel.