Translations of text embedded in . Locations are listed Top to Bottom as they appear on the maps. (and Left to Right if necessary) Most of the locations in Stage 5 seem fanciful, or are in strange locations. Distances are refered to as "intervals" in the applet. ---------- Stage 1. 5 locations. 3 clues. Japan (does not appear in any clue) Singapore Fiji Australia New Zealand Singapore - Fiji = 3 Australia - New Zealand = 2 New Zealand - Fiji = 3 ---------- Stage 2. 9 locations. 8 clues. Sweden United Kingdom Iran Egypt India Ghana (does not appear in any clue) Brazil Madagascar South Africa Sweden - Brazil = 5 Sweden - Iran = 5 United Kingdom - Egypt = 2 United Kingdom - Madagascar = 1 Brazil - Iran = 4 South Africa - Madagascar = 4 South Africa - Iran = 3 Madagascar - India = 4 ---------- Stage 3. 9 Locations. 8 Clues. Greenland Russia Canada Finland China Spain Guinea Maldives Zaire Canada - Russia = 4 Spain - Guinea = 1 Spain - Russia = 4 Guinea - Maldives = 2 Zaire - China = 2 China - Greenland = 5 Finland - Russia = 4 Finland - Greenland = 1 ---------- Stage 4. 9 Locations. 7 Clues. Alaska Iceland France Japan Nigeria Philippines Sri Lanka Zimbabwe Indonesia Iceland - Alaska = 1 France - Japan = 3 Zimbabwe - Philippines = 3 Nigeria - Philippines = 4 Iceland - Indonesia = 5 France - Zimbabwe = 6 Sri Lanka - Alaska = 2 ---------- Stage 5. 10 Locations. 9 Clues. "Engineers" (central Africa or south east Atlantic Ocean) "CG Land" (near Washington, D.C., on east coast of North America) "mystery island" (north Atlantic Ocean) United States (located in south central North America) Java (but odd location near Iran) "blue house" - (North Pole/Arctic) "Federal Programming" - (north western Asia) "Mr. Children Republic" (central Asia) "Puzzle Islands" (northern Pacific Ocean) Japan (Engineers) - (Mr. Children Republic) = 1 Java - (Puzzle Islands) = 2 Java - (CG Land) = 3 (mystery island) - (blue house) = 3 (mystery island) - United States = 3 Java - (Federal Programming) = 4 (Federal Programming) - (Puzzle Islands) = 4 (Engineers) - Japan = 5 (CG land) - United States = 6