Logic Masters Forum

Normale Version: 24h Marathon 2020
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Gyorgy und die anderen Veranstalter überlegen den Marathon Corona-bedingt zu verschieben oder abzusagen, wollen dies aber erst in einem Monat endgültig entscheiden. Er hat heute die bereits registrierten Teilnehmer angeschrieben und ein Stimmungsbild erbeten.
Kann mir jemand verraten, wann der allererste 24 Stunden Rätsel-Marathon in Ungarn stattgefunden hat?
2000.Irgendwann hat mal ein Jahr keiner stattgefunden.

Quelle: http://www.worldpuzzle.org/files/5/WPF_Newsletter08.pdf
Berni hatte für den NED 1/2019 (blau) die Ungarn interviewt. Darin steht: 2000. Seite 25 rechts oben.
Weiß einer von euch, ob der 24-h-Marathon inzwischen abgesagt wurde? Ich meine, klar ist es utopisch, dass er stattfinden kann, aber ich hätte gerne eine offizielle Absage, bevor ich meinen beiden Übernachtungsmenschen für Hin- und Rückweg absage... Steht vielleicht etwas bei Facebook?

LG Silke
Vor fünf Minuten kam die offizielle Absage per Mail:

"Dear puzzle friends,

one month is gone since my last e-mail. Thanks for your feedback, which let us know, that most of you are still planning to take part on the next 24HPC, even it needs to be delay. In the meantime, the international travel restriction reached a higher level by the governments all around the world. So, probably you won't be surprise, that our event won't be held in May due to the actual situation.

We already cancelled our hotel reservation, and as I wrote it last time, we don't need to pay any part of it, due to our long-term cooperation with Hotel Amadeus. It means your early registration for our event is cancelled without any financial obligation.

I do hope that those, who already reserved your travel, can refund his/her tickets (as I read even low cost airlines and the "Super Spar" train tickets is fully refund).

Yet it's too early to declare a new possible date for the jubilee, 20th 24HPC, we'll confirm it, when the situation becomes clearer.

I'd like to say a special thanks to the puzzle*makers and our puzzle director, Viktor Samu, who worked hard to put together the 14 puzzle-sets for the event.

Once again thanks for your kind feedback, that you loved the atmosphere of our event, and you'd like feel it again.

I can personally easily sympathise with you, because after ~10 years break, this event would have been my comeback as a participant for 24HPC...

I hope we can meet again soon, and enjoy a great event in Budapest!

I wish everyone a good health, and keep puzzling! Smile


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